4. The Nature and Purpose of the Imagery - (This'll surprise you!) Next
One of the biggest misconceptions about Rights Protected Stock vs. Royalty Free is that essentially the same imagery is being sold-- with the only difference being the price structure.

Not so.

Indeed, as Geraldo might say, "This is a developing story..." You are going to find, increasingly, that there will be a split, a kind of "mitosis", between images provided by "Traditional" photo agencies and those provided by royalty free companies. (Shameless self-promotion: At Comstock we're especially attuned to this because we sell both.]

As a designer or art director, you've probably already noticed that there is something different about the imagery itself, rights protected vs. royalty-free (at least, good rights protected and good royalty-free) but it's so visual, so ineffable and hard to describe that you probably can't quite put your finger on it…

Well, there is a difference, and here, in part, is a way to think about it:

To the extent that you want the image to dominate your "theme"-- you are going to find the right image in "rights protected".

To the extent that you want the image to support what you are doing, visually-- you’re going to gravitate, appropriately, towards royalty-free.

The "image reservoirs" on each side will begin to look more and more different to you, and understanding that difference can give you an important roadmap in your decision-making:

  Rights Protected Stock: Look for "Story Telling power"
  Royalty Free: Look for "Image Adaptability"


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